Posts Tagged ‘Grub’

Restore Grub after a windows install

Problem # 10102010a

Note: The repair Grub option has been discontinued from OpenSuse 11.3

Problem : Grub vanishes after a windows installation

Solution : After the windows installation boot into the OpenSuse 11.3 Live CD.

Open the terminal

1. Enter “su -”

2. Enter the root password

3. Enter “grub”

4. Enter “find /boot/grub/stage1″

5.That should return your OpenSuse partition in the form of (hdX,Y), use that

6.Enter “root (hdX,Y)”

7.Enter “setup (hd0)”

8.Enter "quit"
If the computer continues to boot the windows bootloader then,
1. Restart computer with the OpenSuse CD in your Drive
2. In the options that come up select "Boot from HardDrive"
This option should boot your Grub now
3. From your Grub boot OpenSuse that is installed in your hard drive
4.  Navigate to Yast > BootLoader
5.  In the Bottom right "Other" Drop Down selection select "propose New Configuration"
6. In the "Boot Loader Installation" Tab check "Boot from MBR" .
Thats it . Grub should be installed in MBR and this should boot up on restart.